Faculty of Science and Engineering
Covering all fields of knowledge in science and engineering, the Faculty is focused both on supporting research at the heart of disciplines as it is with fostering multidisciplinary approaches to meeting the major challenges of the 21st century. Academic excellence is driven by its academic researchers and partners researchers whose work contributes to the quality of the courses provided by the faculty.
The Faculty of Science and Engineering brings together a particularly broad and comprehensive spectrum of formal, natural, experimental and technological sciences. This foundation is backed by strong scientific disciplines with a prestigious tradition that is supported by dynamic communities with international reputations. The Faculty has six departments (UFRs): biology; chemistry; engineering; mathematics; physics; earth sciences, environment and biodiversity. The Faculty also includes three marine stations, the Ecole Polytech Sorbonne, the Paris Institute of Astrophysics and the Henri Poincaré Institute.
Educating the professionals of tomorrow:
The faculty's ambition is to accompany students on their path to the professional world by offering courses adapted to their career plans and providing teaching based on research from its laboratories. Each student builds his or her own degree path thanks to progressive guidance starting at the first year of the bachelor's degree and single or multi-disciplinary courses with the major-minor and double major system. In the Master's programme, specialities constitute sets of knowledge and skills that promote professional integration consistent with each student's career plans. The faculty also trains engineers at Polytech Sorbonne. It has 18,000 students and nearly 2,800 doctoral students.
A major player in research:
The 79 laboratories of the faculty are located in the Paris region, mainly on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus, and in the three marine stations of Roscoff, Banyuls-sur-Mer and Villefranche-sur-Mer. They are all joint research structures involving national research centres such as the CNRS, Inserm, Inria, CEA and IRD and academic partners such as Paris Diderot and Paris Descartes Universities, ENS, Collège de France, the Observatoire and ESPCI.
Partnership research and innovation:
The faculty is integrated into the innovation ecosystem of Sorbonne University: SATT Lutech supports the maturing of technologies and enhances the value of the patent portfolio, while the Quadrivium Ventures seed fund supports the creation of companies supported by the faculty's staff. The faculty also supports an active policy of partnership with companies through joint laboratories, research contracts (CIFRE agreements, industrial collaboration), where transfer is based above all on the joint development of knowledge between business expertise and academic competence. The faculty hosts two Carnot Springboard Institutes, Smiles (mathematics for business) and Interfaces (digital for interactions between systems and humans).