Student Jobs

Sorbonne University is committed to the success of all its students: while helping to finance their studies, student employment also contributes to the development of their professional skills.

Student Jobs

Sorbonne University is committed to the success of all its students: while helping to finance their studies, student employment also contributes to the development of their professional skills.
Sorbonne University student employment is an integral part of the student's personal training program, contributing to the maturation of his or her professional project.

By setting up student jobs, Sorbonne University’s goal is to:

  • Provide students with places, services and facilities that encourage them to study in a calm and stimulating environment,
  • Enable students to acquire their first professional experience in a framework that allows them to combine their studies with paid work,
  • Ensure that students are active members of the university community,
  • Work to build a culture shared by the different populations present on campus

This type of employment, defined by precise regulatory frameworks (link in French), enables young people enrolled in initial training for a national or state diploma to carry out a recognized job. A charter (link in French) sets out the objectives and procedures.

To find out more about the jobs available at Sorbonne University for 2023-2024 and to apply, visit the dedicated platform (link in French).

For further information on the scheme, please contact (in French):