Doctoral schools

Sorbonne University has 23 doctoral schools covering all disciplinary fields of research in the humanities, languages and social sciences, sciences and engineering, and medicine.

Doctoral schools

The doctoral school is responsible for all matters related to the doctorate.

It brings together a set of research units grouped around a given scientific field.

The doctoral school is responsible for recruiting, monitoring, training and defending doctoral candidates. It offers courses and scientific activities to doctoral candidates and validates each doctoral candidate's individual educational plan.

The doctoral school is run by a director assisted by a board, which monitors and coordinates the life of the doctoral school. Doctoral candidates are invited to elect their representatives every two years. Bylaws define its organisation and functioning, in particular for governance, admission, the allocation of funding, supervision and the conduct of doctoral courses. They are published on each doctoral school's website. 

List of Sorbonne University doctoral schools


List of UTC and INSEAD Doctoral School, Sorbonne University partners in Alliance