Politique égalité

Equality Policy

In order to advance equality between women and men, Sorbonne University has set up an Equality Group, a charter and a three-year action plan to put its commitments into practice.

Equality Policy

Why have an Equality Group?

In order to improve equality between women and men, Sorbonne University has created an Equality Group, a charter and a three-year action plan to implement its commitments.

Its activities are designed to promote professional equality between staff, regardless of how they identify, as well as equal treatment between male and female students, and to fight against all gender-based discrimination.

In order to make equality a daily reality within our community, the three faculties have also set up equality teams and a network of equality representatives.

The Sorbonne University charter for equality between women and men

Find all our commitments in the charter for equality (in French) adopted by the Board of Directors of Sorbonne University.

Putting our commitments into practice with an action plan

To act against professional inequalities between women and men that can also be observed in the university environment, Sorbonne University has adopted an action plan that consists of a series of concrete actions to be carried out in the next three years.

The main goals of the action plan:

  • Addressing the pay gap between women and men
  • Ensuring equal access to training, jobs and careers
  • Promoting a balance between private and professional life
  • Fighting against gender-based and sexual violence

Would you like to know all the actions planned for the next three years? Consult the action plan (in French) in its entirety.

Your contacts

At the university level:

Michela Petrini, project manager - Leïna Sellam, research officer

Faculty of Arts & Humanities:

Hyacinte Ravet, mission officer - Violette d'Haese, project officer

Faculty of Medicine:

Nicolas Weiss, Dean's referent on equality issues

Faculty of Science and Engineering:

Frédérique Perronnet (project manager)