Trois lauréats ERC Starting Grant 2021
  • Research

Winners of the 2022 ERC Consolidator Call

Sorbonne University congratulates its three scientists receiving "ERC Consolidator" grants.

The European Research Council (ERC) has published the list of winners of the Consolidator grants, which each year support many projects of mid-career scientists. Among them, Sorbonne University has three new recipients this year:
Olivier Marre

Inserm researcher at the Vision Institute
Vision Institute (Sorbonne University/Inserm/CNRS)
Glenn Roe

Sorbonne University Professor of French Literature and Digital Humanities at the Center for the Study of French Language and Literature
(CELLF - Sorbonne University/CNRS)
Harry Sokol   

Sorbonne University Professor of Gastroenterology at the Saint-Antoine Research Center
(Saint-Antoine Research Center - Sorbonne University/Inserm/Ecole pratique des hautes études)
Congratulations to our scientists!

The ERC Consolidator Grant, a European grant of excellence

The ERC Consolidator Grant aims to fund exploratory research projects on an innovative theme for a period of 5 years with a budget of approximately 2 million euros.

Aimed at researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after their PhD, this grant supports scientists with a promising career path who wish to build or consolidate their research team.
With a very high level of competitiveness, the ERC Consolidator Grant rewards projects of excellence on ambitious and risky research topics.