ENRIO 2023 - Focus on the social dimension of scientific integrity and responsible open science
The 2nd Congress of the European Network of Scientific Integrity Offices (ENRIO) was held under the aegis of the Office français d'intégrité scientifique (Ofis) at Sorbonne University on September 7 and 8, 2023.
The 14 lectures from the 5 plenary sessions are online at this link.
Of particular interest:
French speakers:
- Stéphanie Ruphy, Director of Ofis, on scientific integrity and the commitment of researchers (Session A, 1st lecture)
- Marin Dacos, open science advisor at MESR, on the dangers of keeping retracted articles or references to retracted articles online (Session C, from 2'53'')
- Anne-Catherine Fritzinger, DGSA Diffusion des savoirs - Bibliothèques, archives, culture, patrimoine et édition académique, Sorbonne University, on the link between open science and scientific integrity at Sorbonne University (Session C, from 16'50'')
Speeches by specialists and experts:
- Cyrus Mody (Maastricht) and Lissa Roberts (Twente), historians of science, who use examples to argue for a broader approach to scientific integrity, taking into account the sometimes problematic ethical, social, political or environmental dimensions (Session A, from 43'47'')
- C. K. Gunsalus (Illinois Urbana Champaign, National Center for Principled Leadership & Research Ethics) on Research Environments, Scientific Integrity and Public Trust (Session D, 1st lecture),
- Carthage Smith (OECD) on Scientific Integrity and Security in the Global Research Ecosystem (Session E, 1st conference).
A poster: "Don't hesitate to test your fraud knowledge!
Among the posters presented: Ten simple rules for scientific fraud and misconduct (10 façons simples de tricher en recherche) was of great interest to participants. Based on a preprint by Nicolas Rougier and his colleague John Timmer, it is based on the analysis of real cases of cheating.