Three-Day Course on Computational Psychiatry
Apply now for a three-day in-person course on Computational Psychiatry, at Heidelberg University. Offered within the framework of the 4EU+ Alliance, this is open to Sorbonne University students and associate professors.
From May 12th to May 14th
Heidelberg, Germany
What will you learn?
In this three-day course, you will gain insights into the burgeoning field of computational psychiatry, its promises and pitfalls. The course consists of a mixture of theoretical lectures on recent findings and practical sessions in programming (in Python).
Specifically, you will learn the basics of how to use reinforcement models to analyze behavioral datasets from human participants. You will get an idea of how these models can help your undertanding of psychiatric disorders, and you will gain hands-on experience with programming such models. Our example datasets cover experiments on social learning, traits and preferences of other people.
You will also learn about how to work in transdisciplinary settings.
Who can attend?
This international course is organized within the framework of the 4EU+ European University Alliance and includes students and lecturers from three universities:
- Heidelberg University Hospital (Germany)
- University of Milan (UNIMI, Italy)
- Sorbonne University (France)
No fees apply. Students from Sorbonne University (France) and of the University of Milan (UNIMI, Italy) can apply for funds to cover the cost of travel and accommodation.
At Heidelberg University, the course is integrated in the elective courses “Digital Medicine” and “Psychosocial Medicine.”
The course is open to students from a wide variety of backgrounds including Medicine (with a particular focus on Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Psychology, Political Science, and Computer Science, etc.
Students at different levels can attend (BSc, MSc, MD, or PhD).
How can you sign up?
Write an email to Heike Hager stating your university, your field of study, your level of study (BSc, MSc, MD, or PhD), and whether you want to apply for funding of your travelling and lodging costs.
Deadline for registration: 01.04.2022.
Who is involved?
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Korn (Heidelberg University Hospital, Department of General Adult Psychiatry)
- Dr. Franziska Baessler (Heidelberg University, Department for General Internal and Psychosomatic Medicine)
- Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Buoli (University of Milan, UNIMI, Department of Neurosciences and Mental Health)
- Prof. Dr. Florent Pasquier (Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation, Sorbonne Université)
- Dr. Antonius Wiehler (Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière (ICM), Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Sorbonne Université)
- Keynote speaker
- Prof. Dr. Paolo Ossola (Università di Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery)