The "Wednesdays of the Miguel Alemán Chair of Excellence" presents a series of 4 web conferences on the theme of "Great Inventions that Changed the World", organized with the Universidad Antónoma de Mexico (Unam), Indiana University and Sorbonne University.
Sessions are held on the last Wednesday of each month from January to April, from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, and each will have the same format: speakers on the same theme, a moderator and a discussion with the public. They will be accessible in the three languages (English, Spanish and French) simultaneously.
The conference on February 24th, 2021 will be devoted to religion. It will consider the relevance and reform of religious institutions in the civilizations-societies of Europe, North America and Latin America.
Introductions will be delivered by Hannah Buxbaum, Vice President of International Affairs at Indiana University.
Alain Tallon, Professor of Modern History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sorbonne University: "The Council of Trent, a laborious reform and a creative application."
Guillermo Wilde, Associate Professor, Institute of Iberian Studies, Sorbonne University: ”Revolution of writing and religious sentiment in Colonial Latin America. Indigenous readings of Ignatian spirituality."
Guilhem Olivier, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas
"Nahuas y franciscanos frente a la noción de "Dios" en la Nueva España del siglo XVI.”
Moderator: Eric L. Saak, Professor of History, IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI.
Register here.

Privileged Partnerships
Within the framework of its strategic partnerships, Sorbonne University maintains a special link with these two prestigious institutions. With UNAM, collaboration is centered on the fields of humanities and the origins of life, and soon of environmental transition and climate, music, heritage and chemistry.
With Indiana University, cooperation focuses on high-energy physics, neurosciences and artificial intelligence. Other disciplines will also be the subject of joint work, such as history, linguistics, journalism and communication.
This series of lectures is an illustration of these fruitful exchanges.