Formations à la science ouverte dans le cadre de l'Alliance 4EU+
Jusqu'en juillet 2022.
C'est une science sans barrières ni frontières que nous défendons à Sorbonne Université, à l'Université Charles à Prague, à l'Université de Copenhague, Milan, Heidelberg et Varsovie.
Nos établissements, réunis dans l'Alliance 4EU+, vous invitent à assister, à partir de novembre 2021, à des séances de formation mensuelles, pour explorer tous les aspects de la science ouverte.
Ces formations sont ouvertes à toutes et à tous.
Les séances auront lieu en anglais, par visioconférence.
Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter le référent ou la référente science ouverte de votre université:
- Sorbonne Université : Anne-Catherine FRITZINGER
- University of Copenhagen : Minna GIESEL
- University of Milan : Paola GALIMBERTI
- Heidelberg University : Jochen APEL
- Charles University : Milan JANICEK
- University of Warsaw : Anna WOLODKO
Retrouvez le replay des séances
- Session du 8 novembre 2021 : "What is Open Science ?"
Short description : Openness and transparency are closely linked to the scientific method. But how open can and should research be? The lecture would like to invite you to participate in the current discussion about open science in its different facets by providing a broad overview - from open access over the FAIR data principles and citizen science to the European Open Science Cloud.
Speakers : Jochen Apel (UHEI) ; Milan Janicek (CU) ; Richard Dennis (UCPH).
Support de présentation.
- Session du 15 novembre 2021 : "Cycle of scientific publication: an overview"
Short description : You’re wondering what happens with a scientific publication between the time of writing and the formatted paper published in an academic journal? Preparing a manuscript or choosing a journal is a true headache for you ? This training session will give you an overview of the academic publication cycle and scholarly communication: journal choice, editorial process, peer-reviewing, acceptance of the article and contract signing.
Speakers : Violaine Jacq (SU), Paola Galimberti (UM)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 29 novembre 2021 : "What are my funders requirements on Open Science? A focus on Plan S"
Short description : Funders have been pushing for open science. What is changing with plan S? This online course presents the funders requirements for open science and explores the Creative Commons licenses. Also, it will be a reminder about open access options for your article and the tools which will help you to choose the best way to publish in open access.
Speakers : Violaine Jacq ; Pascale Pauplin (Sorbonne Université)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 13 décembre 2021 : "Strategies for publishing in Open Access journals"
Short description : The presentation aims to cover what researcher have to know and what they have to be aware of when they publish in open access: money issues (what are APC and how to have them founded), which publisher is (not) the right choice, main open access pathways (green and diamond)
Speakers : Sébastien Perrin (SU), Stefano Bolelli (UM)
Support de présentation
- Session du 10 janvier 2022 : "Data Management Plans - one tool with many applications"
Short description : Data Management Plans (DMP) play an important role for planning and conducting research activities and more and more researchers are facing requirements by their institution or funding agency for writing such a plan. Thereby, they are often misunderstood as an administrative task. Instead, DMPs are a powerful tool for efficient and secure collaboration and for the creation of research outputs of better quality and higher impact.
A DMP will also help you to develop strategies for sharing and publishing your research data as openly as possible (and protecting them, when necessary).
In this session, we will introduce the typical components of a DMP and discuss how the plan can be used actively throughout a research project. It will be targeted towards PhD students, but it will also be relevant for anyone working with research data.
Speakers : Cécile Arènes, Océane Valencia (SU), Falco Hüser (UCPH)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 27 janvier 2022 : "Predatory publishers and identity fraud – how to identify dubious providers"
Short description : In our presentation, we will talk first about the phenomenon of predatory publishers; we will present the characteristics of their dishonest and often illegal business model and show some schemes of recognizing and avoiding publishing at predators. Then, we will discuss a new emerging challenge for scholarly publishing that is the identity fraud of scientific journals: hijacked journals. Those two phenomena might endanger the integrity of scholarly communication by violating the reliability of scholarly publications and hence, deform the image of science and influence badly your research career. Join us to equip yourself with a knowledge shield that will protect you against scammers!
Speakers : Zuza Wiorogorska (UW), Georg Schwesinger (UHEI).
Support de présentation.
- Session du 7 février 2022 : "Publication strategies for monographs in Humanities and Social Sciences"
Short description : Short description : Through this online course, you will learn about the publishing process for academic books in Humanities and Social Sciences, from the planning of your publication strategy to the choice of publisher, the selection of the license, and peer-review. What should you expect? How does open access publication work?
Speakers : Martin Nissen (UHEI), Pascale Pauplin (SU).
Support de présentation.
- Session du 7 mars 2022 :"Research Data Management - Introduction to FAIR and Open Data"
Short description : Collecting, processing and analyzing data are central activities for virtually every researcher and topics such as data sharing and the so-called FAIR data principles are becoming increasingly important. This course is meant to give a general, discipline-independent introduction to research data management with a special focus on questions related to data publication and open data.
Speakers : Jochen Apel (UHD), Paola Galimberti (UM), Milan Janíček (CU)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 21 mars 2022 : "Open Research Software"
Short description : Software source code contains a growing part of the scientific and technical knowledge developed in the research activities, in all fields. It is of paramount importance to ensure that it is properly archived and referenced. The Software Heritage universal source code archive is an international non profit initiative, in collaboration with UNESCO, designed specifically to address these needs: it already contains over 11 billion unique source code files from over 150 million software projects. In this presentation we will see how it can enhance the research practices, and contribute to the Open Science mission.
We will also discuss best practices for the development of maintainable and sustainable software that enhances the reliability and reproducibility of scientific research.
Speakers : Roberto di Cosmo, Software Heritage (partner SU), Liam Keegan (Scientific Software Center, UHD)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 4 avril 2022 - "Open science and the role of rights management"
Short description : Copyright plays an important role in research publishing and Open Science. Transfer of copyright from researcher to publisher is the legal instrument that publishers use to establish paywalls to the research. This session will shed light on this transfer and its consequences for realization of Open Science, and present possible alternatives to the copyright transfer agreement. The session will also present the open copyright licenses, Creative Commons, which are the most used licenses within Open Science.
Speakers : Rasmus Riise (UCPH), Violaine Jacq (SU), Paola Galimberti (UM)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 9 mai 2022 - "Humanities and FAIR data"
Short description : The humanities today use digital tools for their research projects. This training is an opportunity to review research data and FAIR principles in humanities projects.
In this session, we will provide an introduction to the research data life cycle, and then discuss how the digital humanities produce and must manage research data. We will show what it means to create FAIR data, even before a project begins. We will also see the management differences between the physical objects, their various digital forms and metadata, as well as the research data produced during the project.
Finally, we will finish with a review of tools and good practices, before showing examples, such as data reuse and the use of the CIDOC CRM ontology.
Speakers : Matthias Arnold (UHD), Cécile Arènes et Océane Valencia (SU)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 7 juin 2022 - "Citizen science: producing data with people for innovating research"
Short description : Most people are able to produce high value data using their observation capacities and following guidelines, and willing to do so provided that it makes sense and that they learn from their participation. Moreover, these data may be enriched by each contributor's local kwoledge, intention, interpretation, leading to unique data that cannot be produced by other means. Data sharing among participants may further improve data quality (e.g., organized quality control) and develop sense of belonging, a strong motivation for participation. Designing citizen science in such way open avenues for innovative research, particularly in the context of the socio-ecological transition we are facing.
Speakers : Romain Julliard (SU), Szymon Andrzejewski (UW).
Support de présentation.
- Session du 20 juin 2022 - "Research Integrity and Open Science: Is sound science open science?"
Short description : How can open science contribute to research integrity? And, conversely, is research integrity always synonymous with data opening and, more generally, with transparency? In our presentation, we will question the close links between scientific integrity and openness in research.
Speakers : Anouk Barberousse, research integrity officer & Anne-Catherine Fritzinger (SU), Paola Galimberti (UM)
Support de présentation.
- Session du 4 juillet 2022 - "Research Impact & Bibliometrics: open science, society, innovation"
Short description : Regarding the growing number of policies to promote open science, it is necessary to discuss its impact on scientific communities and society. First, we will examine the uses of bibliometrics in relation with open science. Second, we will consider the societal impact of science.
Speakers : Sébastien Perrin & Kristell Roser (SU).